« Pour réaliser une chose extraordinaire, commencez par la rêver.
Ensuite, réveillez-vous calmement et allez jusqu'au bout de votre rêve
sans jamais vous laisser décourager. » (Walt Disney)

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 Little Present for u my Six ♥

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4 participants

Mono Littlewood
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Mono Littlewood

| Avatar : Maxence Danet-Fauvel ♥

Little Present for u my Six ♥ Lgjd

It seems like we lost touch
so hold me
as the record skips
Maybe you're just too good
Maybe I'll run away
Maybe I shouldn't stay
Maybe I talk too much
But baby I'll be there
It's been a little hard
But maybe all along I'm afraid

Little Present for u my Six ♥ W9c4

| Conte : Little Nightmares II
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Mono ♥

Little Present for u my Six ♥ Badge-p-tit-pote-Mono-3

| Cadavres : 281

Little Present for u my Six ♥ _

________________________________________ 2021-04-06, 01:14

Pour fêter l'arrivé de la demoiselle au ciré jaune Little Present for u my Six ♥ 675216545 Il fallait que je fasses un header ce soir, j'en avais envie Little Present for u my Six ♥ 675216545

Little Present for u my Six ♥ Yqqo

♥°•.¸ Once ☆ Upon ★ a ☆ Time ¸.•*´♥´*•.¸°•.¸ Disney ☆ R ♥ P ☆ G ♥

I just wanna be happier ☩
I guess everyone's happy. Can you look at me? 'Cause I am blue and grey. My colors hid in the smile, blue and grey.

Six Dimitrescu
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Six Dimitrescu

| Avatar : Emma Appleton

Little Present for u my Six ♥ Tumblr-a2cdeeb759e04c3ec1258115c013e969-b9e3756c-540-1

I'm only a man with a candle to guide me
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me
A monster, a monster
I've turned into a monster
A monster, a monster
And it keeps getting stronger

Little Present for u my Six ♥ Giphy-5

| Conte : Little Nightmares I et II
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Lady Six~

Little Present for u my Six ♥ Badge-p-tit-pote-Six-1678

| Cadavres : 22

Little Present for u my Six ♥ _

________________________________________ 2021-04-06, 01:27

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2731903649 J'TE L'AI DEJA DIT SUR MESSENGER MAIS IL EST SI BEAU Little Present for u my Six ♥ 4114364782

Six ne mérite pas autant d'attention Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2852471132 J'aime d'amour cette header putain Little Present for u my Six ♥ 4114364782 Ils sont si beaux nos bébés Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2731903649 AAAAAAAAAAAAH MES FEELS Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2731903649 Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2731903649 Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2731903649

En tout cas encore merci beaucoup Choupette ♡ J'te revaudrais ça à l'occasion :cute: Little Present for u my Six ♥ 283248815

♥°•.¸ Once ☆ Upon ★ a ☆ Time ¸.•*´♥´*•.¸°•.¸ Disney ☆ R ♥ P ☆ G ♥
    You know I'll follow you
    I see beauty in you even when you are down in shades of blue.
    Now I know you think that you got nothing left. I know you think you lost your innocence. You have let the world tell you who you are but deep inside I know you are still a child, deep inside I know you are still a child. + aeairiel.



Little Present for u my Six ♥ _

________________________________________ 2021-04-06, 08:39

Oooh c'est trop joli ça Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2727069659 Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2727069659
Trop cool Little Present for u my Six ♥ 3213561239 J'espère qu'il sera affiché Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2852471132

Mono Littlewood
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Mono Littlewood

| Avatar : Maxence Danet-Fauvel ♥

Little Present for u my Six ♥ Lgjd

It seems like we lost touch
so hold me
as the record skips
Maybe you're just too good
Maybe I'll run away
Maybe I shouldn't stay
Maybe I talk too much
But baby I'll be there
It's been a little hard
But maybe all along I'm afraid

Little Present for u my Six ♥ W9c4

| Conte : Little Nightmares II
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Mono ♥

Little Present for u my Six ♥ Badge-p-tit-pote-Mono-3

| Cadavres : 281

Little Present for u my Six ♥ _

________________________________________ 2021-04-06, 12:02

Puppy: Je suis vraiment contente que le header te plaise à ce point Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2727069659 J'y ai mis tout mon cœur dedans Little Present for u my Six ♥ 675216545
Six merite tout mon amour chut Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2852471132 T'en fais pas c'est un cadeau tu me dois rien Little Present for u my Six ♥ 3047629014

Luca: Merci beaucoup Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2727069659 J'espère aussi qu'il sera affiché Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2381383065 En tout cas vraiment merci pour le complément Little Present for u my Six ♥ 675216545

♥°•.¸ Once ☆ Upon ★ a ☆ Time ¸.•*´♥´*•.¸°•.¸ Disney ☆ R ♥ P ☆ G ♥

I just wanna be happier ☩
I guess everyone's happy. Can you look at me? 'Cause I am blue and grey. My colors hid in the smile, blue and grey.

Desmond Blake
« I am the perfect devil.
Tell me how bad I am. It makes
me feel so good. »

Desmond Blake

| Avatar : Rami Malek *o*

Little Present for u my Six ♥ 6j3x

Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs.
“Because I'm evil, my middle name is misery.
Well, I'm evil, so don't you
mess around with me.”

Little Present for u my Six ♥ Dc03

| Conte : Intrigue divine sauce titanesque avec soupçon de mal de crâne
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Cerbère, le fidèle et redoutable chien à trois têtes

| Cadavres : 1682

Little Present for u my Six ♥ _

________________________________________ 2021-04-06, 16:13 « I am the perfect devil. Tell me how bad I am. It makes me feel so good. »

Il est tellement beaaaaau ce header !! Little Present for u my Six ♥ 675216545 Il a l'air "tout doux" et en même temps un peu dark, j'adore le mélange des deux !! Little Present for u my Six ♥ 1412354410

Normalement, vu qu'il est dans le sujet des headers à ajouter, il sera affiché bientôt ! Little Present for u my Six ♥ 103884667

♥°•.¸ Once ☆ Upon ★ a ☆ Time ¸.•*´♥´*•.¸°•.¸ Disney ☆ R ♥ P ☆ G ♥

The Queen's Gambit & the Hound Dog
I went to Hell last night, followed you there, I was standing by your side. The saddest thing I've ever seen made me angrier than I've ever been. But in the darkest place, a saving grace after all we've been through. Though it kills me to say this, there's a little bit of God in you.

Neil Aldrin
« J'ai pas trouvé où on peut demander un rang personnalisé... ! »

Neil Aldrin

| Avatar : Scott Eastwood ♥

Little Present for u my Six ♥ 210527075156397236

You're not the type to give yourself enough love
She live her life, hand in a tight glove
I wish that I could fix it for you
But instead I be right here coming through
I'm always on your team, I got your back
You're only disappointed
in yourself, alright

Little Present for u my Six ♥ Fe7a8c26d850c07f09554866d7949b8872df0ff9r1-420-270_hq

| Conte : Toy Story
| Dans le monde des contes, je suis : : Buzz l'éclair (Mini Buzz actuellement)

| Cadavres : 147

Little Present for u my Six ♥ _

________________________________________ 2021-04-07, 13:02

Aww merci beaucoup Nat Little Present for u my Six ♥ 675216545 Doux et Dark c'est ce qui définit un peu le duo je l'avoue Little Present for u my Six ♥ 3392629739 EN tout cas encore merci pour ton compliment Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2381383065 Mes headers ne sont pas à ton niveau alors ton compliment me touche beaucoup Little Present for u my Six ♥ 2727069659
Et je m'en fais pas pour l'affichage Little Present for u my Six ♥ 920691004

♥°•.¸ Once ☆ Upon ★ a ☆ Time ¸.•*´♥´*•.¸°•.¸ Disney ☆ R ♥ P ☆ G ♥
Step into my world
The truth is finally breaking through. Two worlds collide when I’m with you. Our voices rise and soar so high. We come to life when we’re, In perfect harmony

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Little Present for u my Six ♥ _


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Little Present for u my Six ♥

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